Always Children First: Safeguarding Awareness Training

DCCC is delighted to announce the delivery of the updated Always Children First: Safeguarding Awareness Training.This training is aimed at Designated Liaison Person and Deputy Designated Liaison Person working in a childcare service.
There are two training dates available:

Saturday 9th April in Newtowncunningham and

Saturday 14th May in Stranorlar.  

Cost is €22.20, including booking fee.

Please note:

  1. Participants must complete the Tusla e-Learning Certificate programme prior to attending the training and a copy of the e-learning cert must be emailed to DCCC in advance of the training.
  1. Maximum of two participants per service.
  2. Priority places will be Designated Liaison Person first and then all participants thereafter.

To book your place please see links to Eventbrite below:

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